Sunday, April 13, 2008

more important comments

Gary at Raybern is in sales, he works the front desk and generally is on the left hand side. Always he has a smile for the clients when he see them walk in the door. I generally gravitate towards Gary at Raybern, maybe because he is closest to the door. Well last SAterday I was in Raybern myslef getting some drawer slides for a cabinet at my house. Gary was telling me how much he liked reading this blog. He said it was very interesting. It made me feel great because I just don't know if anyone reads this or not. But Gary went on to say how the blog indicated to him that I know what I'm doing. Thank you Gary. Also that I'm not glazing over things. To that Gary I say yes that is true but I only sharing half the truth. I think that I tell the whole truth about what is going on then I wouldn't get any new buisness for sure from the blog and I'd problly loose all the buisness that I have. I don't think people need to know every problem that I am up against. Pehaps I will change my position on that. And someday I will reveall all that is happening to my buisness, it's just hard to do that with out being negative towards my clients. I can try to disguise my clients as I do with the job numbers but my astute clients could easily figure out thier own job number. So for now I will try to glaze over as little as possible.
After reviewing the shop drawings with a client on Friday, my client asked me if the plans were then hung on the wall for the bench men to read. I said that we used to do that but more and more the bench man are using the computer for the plans. I mean that the guys in the shop are using the Cad files on the work station at the shop to build the cabinets. My client said that is very green. And it occurred to me for the first time that it's true, that by going to a paperless shop which is a goal of mine we are going green. Going green is something that is important to me and althouhg I don't get much time now to invest in it. We are actually doing by accident, by going paperless. My motive for going paperless is it's just easier and faster in terms of the information flow which exist in my buisness like it or not and seems that the information circles around more often then flows in a steady direction.
Exciting stuff happening this week. First up is that I'll be making several knives on the profile machine. My new passion. I''ll be making the first of my own knives that will make up a part of the top moldings called crown molding. I am planning on making a sort of freeze board, or soffit face type of board that will carry just about any other standard crown that may be exsiting. The template is half made and the rest of it is in my head. I am quite fond of this new knife I am going to make. nobody else has anything like, that doesn't make me great or anything. When I was at the RDC show a few weeks back Woodmiester had a booth set up with some very nice moldings, very nice moldings. So, I'm no woodmeister but I am working down in the trenches and creating some cutting edge millwork, No one has the same library as me and has the same inspirations as me, so what I make will be unique to my style.
Second I have the third prong coming out this week on a few new contacts. The third prong is when I start calling some new prospects. I've tried to prime the pump with some letters and faxes lettin them know that I'd be calling soon to scehdual an appoinment. I think I have spoke of this before calling the contacts the fantastic 12 or something. Builders that I met at the RDC show. I'm excited about this a little nervuous becasue I will have to caome out of box. Here is what they say; "you've got to do your ABC's" that's Always Be Closing, and better yet there is "you've got to do your ABP's that's Always Be Prospecting.
We should be completeing a61 this week finally. ESteban is already moved on to c74. Gagan will move on to a75. We should be installing a75 next week, as well as doing some service work at 12 Kirkland. C74 is slated for install last week of April that is if we get the paint in-time. Afterwards b58 should begin install. We will start much more intently on fabricating b67 as that is approaching install. For now my thoughts are deep in b58, it is going to be a tricky install and it will require all my attenttion.

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