Friday, March 21, 2008

New Job c74

Recieved a deposit today from our newest client job #c74. There we will be building a wall unit for the entertainment equipment. This is a job where we will prove our skills that we sell not just cabinets but emotions. I don't say that like I'm some crazy artist and i don't intend on building some crazy artsy cabinet. I talknig about building a cabinet that has good function, fits the space, and has architectural interest. The clinet told me today that they live in that room, to me that means that they want to feel something special when they are there. something that they can't get in the outside world. I want kidder blaisdell cabinets to help creat that feeling.

It looks like we'll be doing some more work at our old friend, job#a33. It isn't clear how much right now. I'd love to go back in there, that was a great job for me I got so much persoanl satisfaction from that job.

My staff and I had a training day event today. For those who don't know what that is, it's a two hour event where we cross train each other about our work. It's good to get the painting guys have a sense of how to work in the production and vice versa. Today our trainging day was focused on changing the blades of the jointer and the planer. We have one training day every 4 weeks and they usually fall on fridays.

Looking ahead there is company fun event for the first quater in 2008. that is to be on Tuesday march 25. Wow how this long month is plowing by.

Job a72 is completed and sitting idle in my shop, funny thing is that the client paid extra because they said they needed it in a rush but now it just sits. That makes two jobs that are sitting unistalled in my shop. It's hard to manage cash flow when that schedualling stuff happens.



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