Thursday, March 20, 2008

successful day

We got the doors for a69 assembled today. It was tough and go for awhile when I was making the knives. Making a pair of matching cope and pattern style knives was not at easy as I thought. We all learned something from the experience so in that sense it is good. I pushed the crew hard today, somedays are like that, where you have to set the goals higher and really strive. In this economy I'm focused on doing more with less. It could be the only way to survive in the future. The doors look so good, people will be blown away, if I'm blown away then certainly the average person will be as well. I think also that the installation of the doors could lead to a good contact, the lock smith, who is one of the larger copanies in the area. I met them today and the seemed like a real on the ball sort of company, I need to figure out a way to find out more about them. Perhaps they'd be interested in a door line, which is something that I'm capable of producing with the same machines and skills that build cabients.


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