Friday, March 7, 2008

Another compliment

One of our clients walked slowly up to our newly installed cabinet and was looking at it intently and said "You guys are good at this". Truer words could not have been spoke. No one is trying harder than Kidder Blaisdell at designing, building, finishing, and installing cabinets. And no other companies like ours are working this hard in the trenches.
C66 is not completely done yet but we are close and man what a great cabinet that is. I so proud of that cabinet it flows so well, the time spent in design was well worth it. My first renditions of that cabinet were not that pretty. We had to do some difficult moves to execute that job. Lots of different size cabinets combining to make one seem less cabinet. I have to give alot of credit to Andy who did the touch-up, he does a really nice job. We chose to build the cabinet in a difficult fashion in the interest of aesthetics. Not many cabinet companies would do that. We really care about how it looks when it's done. We did a new move with the crown and I think it worked brilliantly. The crown is made from three pieces, the complexity is subtle. and the molding seems to be in harmony, it maybe tad to big relative to the overall cabinet but that is arguable. The finish on the cabinet is absolutely stunning. it is as smooth as glass I think it's one of our best pieces. And there is only more to come, it is the good fortune of our future clients.



At March 18, 2008 at 10:07 AM , Blogger steph999 said...

Hi Jeff,
I was just checking out your blog. Is there any way to add links to or the photos of the actual cabinets you are talking about? from a readers perspective it would be kind of cool to see the finished pieces you are so proud of.


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