Wednesday, August 27, 2008

what I love

We started off with our weekly staff meeting today. IT was better than normal. It lasted about 45min which is longer than usual. I talked about what I learned in Atlanta at the IWF conference. I got some good feed back from Gagan about how everyone was stressed out last week by the deadlines. feed back is not always easy to get. We have some intense deadlines right now. We are beginning to slip behind, I start to get freakish and it goes down the line. I keep trying to remember that it is only woodwork and nothing to get worked up about. What Gagan said is that he had deadlines and wanted help from the other team members, but they had their own deadlines. This is where the constructive conflict will arise. Conflict is so necessary for an effective work group. We cannot avoid conflict it must be met and dealt with. Especially conflict over priorities. We are trying to please our costumers most off the time it is easy, but sometimes the shop can get really intense and loaded with work. Every one is working 50-60 hours a week, which seems to be what we all want.
There was a lot of talk about working over 40 hours a week in the Atlanta show. People where saying that it is ineffective to work over 40 hours a week. I say that if the competition is working over 40 weeks then how are yoiu going to pull ahead if you don't?
After our staff meeting we went straight into a kaizen event. An over due Kaizen event. We had no choice but to use it to clean and reorganize the shop, our silent team member.
I heard someone say that they wanted to lead the next kaizen event. $200.00 cash bonus to anyone who leads a kaizen event in my shop that is a standing offer.

It reminded me of a time when an old employee of mine shouted out into the shop of four or five guys and said "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY LETS GET GOING" I had never seen that kind of leadership in this person or anyone since. Sondu that was you.
Well I took part in the event and it felt great. Their is nothing more that i love than being in my shop with my team mates cleaning and prepping our shop for business.



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