Thursday, September 4, 2008

new molding

Here is a close up of one of our new base board designs. I like it because it is one piece, different from a two piece. All two piece moldinge look similiar in that they have a hard edge right before they become completely verticle. You can see how here this molding gradually ends a curve before it gose verticle so there is a light area as opposed to a dark shadow making the molding look much softer. I used 5/4 milled to 1" thick before shaping the top edge. The impact of that is apparent again in the length of the lighted area. I really like this knife that I made and the concept of the one inch single piece base, I will use it again. Another advantage of the 1" base board is the strenght offered at the furntiure style cut outs. I will post a picture of that soon.
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