Thursday, May 1, 2008

being organized

So it looks like I am not all that I thought I was. There is no way I could have gotten the two rush jobs done in the past two days. I was able to complete the a75 rush job today so that is good, the install took longer than I thought but it went well all things considered. There was a classic thing that happened on the job today. I got there to do the install and there were three outlets and one phone jack right where the unit was going. Luckily the electrician was on the job, normally the electrician wouldn't be around and incommunicado. I did have to do a bunch of unplanned work myself to deal with the outlets and phone jack. It wasn't that bad, and I did have to wait for the electrician to do his thing. The install took every bit of all day. I don't know why nobody caught that. I bid the work and excepted the work site unseen. That is what is to be learned fron this, never assume anything, like the wall is going to be clear outlets because mill work is to be there. It really is because of a lack of planning, many times these types of jobs are just not planned enough in advance, so when the electrician is doing his rough work there is no actual elevation of the wall. Or I suppose it could be that the leadership on the job never did a walk thru before blue board to confirm all the mechanical. It makes me think of something that another contractor said to me about that. He said that he has to leave a job and come back several times to catch all things that are in the wrong place before the blue board goes up. These types of things are what happens in my day to day life of custom mill work.
We had another great compliment yesterday. One of our clients came in to our shop and said "you guys are organized, and I like that". Being organized is how we are different from many other shops. I think it is in large part why we can do so well at what we do. Being organized helps us perform our day to day duties. I personally think that being organized is one of the biggest hidden secrets to success in business. I see some businesses run so scattered that i can't see them making any money at all and if they are making money they sure don't know where or why. Getting organized is one thing and staying organized is another. I try to develop ways in which I can stay organized. There are so many things to organize in my business, the shop, the office, the trucks, and in each one of those is hundreds of little things. My biggest problem is that my time has to go into running the business and not into infrastructure. That is the sure sign of a new business.
To my good fortune the rush job a33 has turned into not such a rush job after all. The property has changed hands now and the new owners are having the floors done. That puts me off by a week. Even though I could not have done it today nobody is going to realize this.



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