the ace model

there we are in front a61. A new team photo. a61 got medallion number 171 you can see it in the photo. It is such a cool piece of mill work that I wanted to put a medallion on it. These are very nice boxes and already the owner says he wants another one to go near his pool. I am very excited to see this mill work out of our shop we bid those work in November last year. We have so much work in the shop right now that it is getting a little crowded. As b67 continues to get built we will be pushed tighter and tighter. It is now time for me to start designing our next kitchen b76. I have high expectations for b76, I think it going to be a very quaint little set of cabinets, again we are going to build the table, at least I hope. At our staff meeting today I talked about the ACE model.
A for achievement
C for camaraderie
E for equity
Ace is an acronym. The is for the employees. Those are the three main things that I try to offer my people. We are always looking for new ways to define and improve them. and make them more real and tangible. Achievement is done by giving the guys projects that will push their skill level, and improve their knowledge. Camaraderie is done by being friendly with the guys myself, no one wants to come to work to fight. I always try to create an atmosphere of friendship here with myself and the guys and among themselves as well. Equity is one of the hardest things to create. I do that by offering uniforms, having fun events, doing the cash bonuses for leading a staff meeting or kaizen or training day event. I usually have snacks in the lunchroom, that sort of thing. The point of the ace model is to have enthusiastic employees. Enthusiastic employees will out perform unenthusiastic employees. Do we look like an enthusiastic bunch in the photo above, it's hard to get the guys to smile in the group photo's, but I know they are happy to work here. It is a good place to work.
Labels: custom cabinets and millwork
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