Monday, July 13, 2009

new rules at staff meeting today

Now we are at about half capacity of work load. The staff is having to work smaller weeks some down to three days and others limited to 40 no over time. Which is unusual for us, typically we all work 50 plus hours per week. I still work 50 plus. When the guys are in times like these it is hard to create a sense of urgency in the everyday work. I tried to explain today at the staff meeting that we need the same work done in less time. Truthfully, that is what the market demands of us for survival. Something else that i mentioned at the staff meeting today is that from now on Kaizen events will be mandatory for continued employment. I will chose the topics and assign them ahead of time. Being slow for me has its advantages, although I am worried about where the money is going to come from I don't feel overwhelmed by work. I give so much to my work that I over book myself, that has to change. Now I am not overbooked and I feel great about my daily life, I am not playing catch-up, I am caught up. We have made some great advance of our infrastructure in the recent weeks. I will put up some photo's of Gagan's home made vacuum lamination table. Also I re-built the interior of the van, to which I love, and wish I had done sooner.

As for jobs 119, is most anticipated job of any recent time a room 14' x 16' built into a mahogany library, with fire place and shelving, floor to ceiling paneling, the works!!!!! We haven't done a room like this in I think 6 or 7 years. I feel like my life's work will be accumulated here, I am doing the design as well.

Job 99 is taking shape in the shop, a large kitchen, also I feel like my life's work is accumulated here. This is being designed by Whalen Interiors in Winchester Ma. Highly desinged piece of cabinetry coming here, just the base boxes are impressive.

Job 77 is winding down, I can now see the end. I really do hope to do more work at job 77 even after these two areas are complete. It is very important as in all jobs to leave on a note where I exceeded expectations.



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