Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We’ve made some mistakes with the cabinets in the shop. The music cabinet doesn’t look so good from the top with L scribes. We’ll never do that again. L scribes are hideous from the end. Always we need some kind panel for them to die into. We ended up making pieces to fit in and around the L-scribes. One thing that we are doing is spending more time preparing the cabinet for install than just going to install with not really knowing if it’s all going to fit together. We made a mistake when we made the side panels for c66. It was a design mistake where I wasn’t drawing in real space and then dimensioned off that. So our panels came out ¼ bigger on either side of a window. We decided to go forward and try to take out the difference at the top, but when we clamped the panels to the cabinet we forgot to make that adjustment, so now the panels we’ll easily be seen that they are off. What’s really important here is the rating of the job “c”. if it was an “a” rating then we would have made new panels. As a business operator you've got to know how to call it.


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