been awhile
I have since lifted the 50 hour work minimum, We can't seem to get are work done in that time. It never works, I have tried it before.
I stopped posting because we were petal to the metal since my last post. I was faced with some of my biggest professional challenges ever, I don't recall working that hard since the days of remodeling my own house.
I am now out of the forest and able to focus on the jobs that I have on my plate. One thing that me and my crew have learned is that we can turn out boat loads of work if we focus on things. We have been focused on several jobs and now we are going to focus on one or two jobs at a time and increase there completion speed.
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how we got into the production bottle neck of q4 08. I want to learn as much as I can about how it happened so I can avoid it in the future, I will be sharing my thoughts later.
We have our annual meeting coming up next week with the staff. I will be going over the new concepts and strategies in the next few days. 09 will be our best laid out year yet.
First and foremost I will be changing the lettering system that precedes the job number. All jobs now will only a number that is it. The number being A B or C will determine the priority level in the production schedule, so it will change depending on the client needs. This will add value to the customer by enabling us to better focus on the current priorities. Jobs will still have three different categories: General contractor driven, Home owner driven, or interior designer driven.
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