Monday, November 10, 2008

I serve the cause, it serves me

I tried to lay out the weekly goals as best I could. I had to do the staff meeting later than normal at 10am. Because of a prior commitment I made with a client at 8am. never do that again, not on a staff meeting day. It through of the rythym of the meeting. By 10am at my business we are in full swing and ended up just being rushed. My mind was fully occupied and it was hard to concentrate, I forgot much of the ad-lib and jumped right into the goals so the meeting was more like a lecture. Also the farm team was present, that was a new dynamic. These staff meetings are very fickle and sensitive, even the smallest things have an impact negative or positive.

I think maybe my clients feel like I am not there. Nothing could be further from the truth. We may be behind schedule. I and my people work from passion, not logic. That is why we will always be here. we are the heartbeat of the woodworking industry. We are the front lines of keeping the industry moving forward as we know it. You couldn't work for me if you thought otherwise. The job here is very demanding, because we are willing to do things for the customer, contractor or homeowner. We will push our selves further than any other woodworking company, that I know of.
As a client you want your woodworker to work from passion. We are the ones walking around the neighbor looking for ideas to use on your project. We are the ones who are thinking about your job at night when we are falling asleep, or waking up. Just today Gagan came to me with a current magazine that he bought today and said look Jeff here is an article about this current issue we are having with stain blocheness.
All og the guys here work 50 hours a week and at a moments notice would work twice that. Not because they have to but because they work from passion. They are passionate about working within a team that is aware of it's goals, aware of it's clients' needs, and aware of the need to satisfy to survive.

We held are staff meeting today on the finishing room. So we could talk about the cabinets that were in there. We could discuss the strengths and weaknesses of those cabinets. We could easily see what needed to get installed today, tomorrow, and everyday of this week.

I met with my client today at 8am, to go over some door knob options. I didn't have to do that. It is not in my contract to that(maybe it should be), I felt that it was nesseccary to get the best knob for this cabinet and I wanted them to get the best service possible. In the end my cabinet serves it's client the best. Because of my passion I add value unknowingly to the client.



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