new equipment
this coming week I've got some good things coming up. I will be looking at some more jobs and have new contacts to pursue and jobs to bid. WE have a Kaizen event this week. I got a new shaper this week, well new to me that is. It is nothing special but hopefully a solid work horse. It was built on Cape Cod by a machinist, it has 5/16" thick cast iron walls on the cabinet. All the fence movable parts are steel or cast iron, so it should remain true and work well for many years to come. It smaller than our other two shapers, less horse power and a smaller spindle. It has a 1" and 3/4" spindle, I could easily get a 1.25" spindle made so all are tooling fits, or we can use bushings. I do have one 1" bore head so I can use all of our custom blades without problem. I am hoping to set up some more overhead lights in the shop this week. We moved around some more machinery on Monday this past week as our Kiazen event. We moved our sanding machine about 10' in one direction and greatly increased the amount of space in the finish preparation area. Which we immediately filled with the cabinets of job 99. which are really starting to look amazing, I can't wait to start our install there.